Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4th - Second and third Safari Drives.

May 4th - Second and third Safari Drives.
5:30am... beautiful misty morning
Not sure .... small Tawny Eagle???
One of Janice's Favourite photo's
So peaceful
Bunch of vultures in a row.. jungle book??
                       It seems strange that we are woken at 5am, but to see the African bush resplendent with big game, one is obliged to rise with the sounds of the female lions roaring in the valley below the camp.  They make quite a racket. We had a quick cuppa, seeing a Cape buffalo wandering past the lodge as we sipped. Heading out on our game drive, there were only 4 of us, and our guide Don and tracker, Judas. Sunrise was spectacular at around 6:30 am... lots of Wildebeest and Impala out this morning, followed by sightings of Kudu (we never really did get the difference between Kudu and Inyala)... Then we came across a bunch of Rhinos grazing very close to the vehicle... the birds (oxpeckers) that are riding on them (actually help them, as they eat the parasitic insects that are sucking the blood from the rhinos, which could eventually kill them!! It was fascinating watching the birds peck away at termites
Untouched... morning sunrise
Male Impala
Female Impalas
The colours are stunning in the morning
Another of Janice's Favourites -untouched no effects
Another of Janice's favourites... a Wildebeest
Another wild beast!!
right inside the rhinos' ears... charming!!!   The rhinos wandered so close to us we could have touched them... Janice held her breath for quite a while!! After the rhinos... we came across a small herd of Zebra... will the wonders of this amazing place ever cease??? Our tracker proved to be a dab-hand with a machete, when the vegetation impeded our progress!!! We both thought Braden would have been in his element!!!! Stopping for a snack and a coffee... we were delighted to be treated to 'ranger coffee' ... Amarula instead of milk... (akin to Baileys.... South African Style). After our snack we headed off again and Janice spotted (first I might add) a huge elephant in the distance ... further up we saw a small group of female elephants. Don reversed back to see that the huge elephant was a bull elephant in 'must'... ie: he was the male elephant version of a dog in heat. Apparently they can be in must for many months, constantly dripping from it's penis, giving him a wet back leg, losing hundreds of litres each day, a big headache and pretty aggressive. He lumbered toward us and we got some great photos. It was a little scary, but we were also in awe as this massive animal came so close and then crossed the track in front of our vehicle... a moment we will never forget. Still reeling from the sights we had seen, we happened on a large family (11 in total) of Giraffe, after taking tons of photos we headed back to camp and spotted a number of baboons en route.... WHAT an amazing drive.
 Nose in the mud... beauty treatment no doubt
Breakfast followed ... fresh fruits etc and a lovely omelet. We lounged around and generally enjoyed our surroundings and catching up on the blog sitting by our plunge pool on the deck... when suddenly a huge baboon (3-4ft tall) leapt up onto our deck and stared at us... we both jumped out of our skin... Janice ran into the room and closed the door, while Derek chased him away up over the roof. We just settled down again when thump... there he was again... another dive inside and Derek chased him along the deck and round the back of our unit.... whew!!! Don had mentioned on the drive that the baboons can be pretty aggressive! No match for Derek though who was impressively brave!! 
Oxpecker birds eat parasites.. save animals lives
"I SAID...........!!!!!!!"
CHARGE!!!!  ... Not really
They got much closer... sniffed the Land-rover
Munch munch... ignore them they'll go away!!!
Wildebeest right by the rhinos!!
After a delicious lunch on the main deck, we met once again for our afternoon game drive and Don was intent on finding a Leopard, which would complete our 'big five' ... We did see some Rhino and elephant, but didn't stop long as we had to go quite a distance to where Don had heard there may be a leopard out hunting. After dark we got lucky and spotted a leopard, assisted to the location over the radio by another ranger. We then picked up another guest who the lodge had driven out to the area we were in (Geoffrey) and went back to track the leopard, which we did for about 30 minutes as he stalked a small herd of Impala. I couldn't get any really good photos as the leopard was moving and we were seeing hiom through the headlights and a spotlamp. We didn't see him attack, but it was still a very exciting and unique experience. We were very haoppy to have seen all of the big five... the rest is a bonus. The great thing about being outside of the government controlled area of Kruger Park, is that the land-rovers are free to drive off the dirt tracks, into the bush and get up close and personal to the animals. Even the Lions see the vehicles as no threat, so they continue to graze, keeping a watchful eye on us... for some reason they do not associate the land-rovers with 'food'... thank goodness. If only they knew how easy it would be to pluck any one of us out of our open, roofless, windowless vehicle!!!!! On the way back to camp we spotted a crocodile, mouth wide open trying to catch food in the running water... very interesting! Back at camp after a shower and change we headed to the Boma again for dinner (Boma stands for British Officers Mess Area)... the officers had a fire to keep them safe from the animals during the first war. We were treated to some traditional South African tribal dancers and once again had a gourmet meal under the brilliant stars of the African sky. Another fabulous day. 
On your marks, get set.....!!!

I am not sure leaning back will help D.
Ignore 'em billy!!! (Oxpeckers)
Not great camouflage

They are quite stunning in the wild

Him again

Judas having fun getting through the bush!

 Old termite hill with a hyena den in it

Majestic tawny  eagle

Ranger coffee - in the morning break!

David, Anna, Don, Judas,  Derek Taking a break

Don, Judas and Janice

The elephant Janice spotted ... big guy in 'must'

We had this photo put on canvas!- Love it!

I'm watching you!!!!!

Our shadow as he approached!

He crossed behind us!

Wooly necked stork
Meanwhile the Giraffes ......!!

They look weirdly pre-historic

Baboon late for lunch!!

Breakfast after the drive... fabulous


Bath time!!

Our deck and plunge pool!

Female Nyala

More rhino...Getting old hat now!!!

He's coming!!!


Another glorious African sunset

Time to go back to camp

There is a Leopard in there... so Judas says

And then he moved

He took off like a bullet.. after some game!

Stalking again!

Sleep well!

Crocodile hiding in the river

Dinner and dancing in the Boma

Another great night in the African bush!

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