Friday, April 4, 2014

Thurs/Fri April 3/4 2014 - Shopping, Rough Hollow Grill and goodbyes

Thursday April 3rd
We were going to finish packing but ended up going to a Mall Lisa has been telling me about… oh how I wish had gone earlier … it is not just a Mall, it is incredible … huge Macy’s, Dillard’s, JC Penney and hundreds of other stores.  We wandered around and picked up another couple of bits and then headed back did do some preparation for leaving.
Mike and Lisa picked us up in the evening (with Brody) and off we went for a wonderful meal and evening at Rough Hollow Grill.
Derek carrying Brody.... awwww!!!

Great Friends, great times
One pooped puppy

Derek shines in this one!!
Another place we should have found earlier.  Pecan encrusted catfish….YUMMMM!!!  Mike drove us around the exclusive neighbourhood where the restaurant is located … some gorgeous properties (one area even has it’s own landing strip and the homes have hangers for their planes!!!) We had a great time and are so lucky to have made such wonderful friends here in Texas. Brody was a little sweetheart., how I adore that baby… thoughts of taking him back to Canada with us…. ONLY JOKING LISA!! Lisa and Mike bought us a metal ‘Longhorns’ decal for our truck, which is proudly displayed on the tailgate… we love it.
Tonight we realized that our stay here is, sadly, just about over. We have got some great plans in the future, but we will treasure the time we have spent in Texas, and the memories we have made. The people we have met, and friends we have made, are special in so many ways.
This State has its controversies and reputations, but we have come to appreciate it for the great people, beautiful landscapes and colourful diversity we have found at all levels.
Friday April 4th
PACK! PACK! PACK!…  and batten down the hatches for take off!! Said many goodbyes around the resort.
Derek and I had a special evening meal of Texas Lamb sirloin steaks… if you get the chance one day, get some from a farmers market … SO good!
Hitched up ready for the morning.

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