Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wed Mar 5 - LBJ Ranch / Fredericksburg / Salt Lick BBQ

Wed Mar 5 - LBJ Ranch / Fredericksburg / Salt Lick BBQ

Great day sightseeing. Five of us left late morning and we stopped for a photo-op at a bridge over the Padernales to, once again, show in photo form the extent of the drought conditions here in this part of Texas. Docks are now on land instead of water and litter the banks of the water-starved river.

After the photo-op we headed straight for the LBJ Ranch in Stonewall, Tx. Breila and Mychael wanted to see Longhorn cattle, so we did a drive around until we spotted some. They were across a field, but we stopped for a few photos before continuing the drive around the ranch. Derek and I will be coming back to spend more time here in the next week or so, and will describe it in more detail then. We bought the CD driving guide which helped us appreciate the history and feel for the ranch. What a place to have called home.  

LBJ And individual ID # carved into horns!!!
Longhorns at LBJ Ranch
Peek a boo--- 2 week old Hereford and Mom!
Weights on Bull's horn to train them to grow  down
3 Musketeers at Beckers Winery
Leaving LBJ Ranch we headed directly into Fredericksburg, a small town somewhat like a Texan version of Niagara-on-the-lake but instead of artsy stores, there are cowboy hat stores, hot sauce stores and Texan style gift shops. A sign that has a map of Texas, a gun, and the words "we don't call 911"... and they mean it!!! LOL!! Don't mess with Texans!!!  I must mention here that most Texans we meet are extremely patriotic, extremely friendly and just great people. We had lunch in Fredericksburg and then walked around town. Derek and I picked up some spices and Tiina, Michael and Breila picked up a few souvenirs before we headed out of town, stopping at the pecan store (new crop) and then on to the Becker Winery for a tasting .. note to self ... great spot for a packed picnic lunch and glass of wine!  Slow drive to the Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood for dinner. This place is unique. It is a truly original Texas BBQ. It is out in the middle of nowhere and is a huge BBQ restaurant/picnic area etc etc ... The specialties are smoked beef and pork ribs, sausage, chicken and brisket.. and they serve massive portions. According to the guy manning the huge round 6foot diameter BBQ grill (with oak burning fire underneath), they go through about 3000lbs of brisket alone on a Saturday night and at least 1000lbs on a week-night. You can bring your own drinks (BYOB) and we took in a cooler with beer and wine to enjoy with our meal. This place is hard to describe. While the food is copious, do not expect gourmet, just plain, good BBQ food and lots of it. We each took enough home for another meal tomorrow! Over stuffed, we headed back to the RV park for a night cap and chat before heading for an early night.

Fueled by a fire of Oak wood
Two Pork ribs - Mychaels 3rd helping
Meat lovers paradise- Salt Lick BBQ -

Beef Rib dinner ... YUM!!!

One of several dining areas. 'Texas Atmospheric!'

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