Friday, March 14, 2014

Fri Mar 14 - San Antonio

Story of Gruene Hall
Fri Mar 14 - San Antonio 
Busy busy busy... off we go again.. reasonably early start for the drive to San Antonio. We stopped at Camping world in New Bruenfels on the way there to see if we could get a part for the BBQ.. no luck but a nice stop anyway. On to Gruene to see the old wooden music hall and a quick walk through town. We had forgotten how great this little village is... wanna come back soon. Free concert on Saturday!!!
Showing off Tickets to Leon Russell (Mar28)

Inside Gruene Hall

River Walk - crowds

Before the crowds arrive.
Mozies -Sliders, Dogs and Whiskey (on the sign)

Remember the Alamo... charge!!!!!
On to San Antonio. 
Nice sunny day and March Break equals crowds. Parking was a challenge and The Alamo was lined up for a block or so, and not being the type of people who like lining up, we decided to do the River Walk first... again crowds of people which made the stroll along the walk more like an elbow-fest.  But we enjoyed it nonetheless, and had a great lunch at an Irish pub, outside, while watching the crowds go by.
Good friends are special!!
We then took a buggy ride through town (thx guys). The driver (Jessie) and horse (Katie) were a great team and we learned a little more about some of the buildings and recent history of San Antonio. 

Lunch at the pub - Fish 'n chips anyone?

Thanks for the memories!!
Just plain silly in a buggy!!!

After a drink at the Menger Bar (one of the oldest West of the Mississippi and a favourite of Roosevelt) we headed back to camp.
I think Katie would plow straight into the van unless he stopped her!!
 Some heavy traffic on the way back, but thanks to Al's skilful driving, we made it back in good time and once again plowed into left-overs and a couple of drinks on the patio by our little red propane campfire. Lisa and Mike came over for a visit and we had a great evening.
Menger bar... note moose head!!

Menger Bar  - 1859

And back at camp......!!!

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