Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feb 3rd – Feb 6th 2014 Ontario to Texas- 3200km

Feb 3rd – Feb 6th 2014 Ontario to Texas- 3200km

Our journey to Texas took us from Ontario through New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina… to pick up the rig… then through Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana to Texas… a total of over 3200km in three nights (4 days driving). This was quite the feat considering Derek had to drive the whole way (due to Janice’s broken arm), we normally switch up drivers every 2 hours. Janice did her bit by staying awake the whole time singing and chatting to keep Derek alert.  (no comments please!!)

The trip down to Columbia, South Carolina on Monday was long. We wanted to get within a couple of hours of where the condo was being stored so we could pick it up early enough on Tuesday to make some headway across South Carolina and Georgia.

Fortunately we sailed quickly through the border, and were fortunate not to hit any really bad weather, just a few snow squalls in New York and Pennsylvania. We drove through the day and evening and finally stopped at about 11pm at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Statesville, North Carolina… note to self… great place to stay for a nights rest en route… cheap, clean, King room, great hot breakfast included ($79 US for both of us).

We got up and had a good hearty breakfast before heading back on the road arriving at the storage facility in Columbia, South Carolina before noon on Tuesday to find all well. The condo was waiting patiently for us. We decided that, because of the freezing weather they had had in the area, we would not fill or pressurize the water system until we hooked up in Texas.. just in case we need to do some work (turned out to be a good decision!!). So we commenced our journey to Texas and on Tuesday drove clean across South Carolina and Georgia and into Alabama, stopping for the night in a campsite north of Montgomery, Alabama called Auburn RV Park At Leisure Time Campground. We arrived after dark and, after a little fidde-faddlin’, we parked in a nice spot by a river… we didn’t hook up the water but at least we had electricity and were warm and safe. Another good RV park for a short stay. Economical and good facilities.  We were up and out just after 9 on Wednesday Feb 5th having gained an hour in time, so we had a great sleep. We stopped for gas and Derek just couldn't resist the mound of fried chicken in the gas station, so he came back to the truck with a guilty but happy face carrying two authentic southern fried chicken pieces... Immediately sharing one piece... Oh my... Naughty but delicious crunchy chicken!!! 
On the road again we headed for the Freedom Road between Montgomery, Alabama and Selma, Alabama.
Hwy 80 - Freedom Highway
Photo of Freedom Marchers
Facing State troopers on earlier attempt
The March which happened in March 1965, was a major climatic event in the Civil Rights Movement and was led (though not original organized) by Martin Luther King Jr. The marchers went from Selma to Montgomery. 8000 people started, but only 300 were allowed to march on the 2 lane section of the highway. 
The rest went by car and bus to meet them further along the road and by the time the Marchers reached the State Capital at Montgomery (54 miles away) 25,000 people had joined.  The march was the third attempt as the first ones were stopped by State Troopers and much blood had been shed. The third march started on March 16. They covered about 10 miles (16 km) each day along U.S. Route 80, known in Alabama as the "Jefferson Davis Highway". Two Thousand soldiers of the U.S. Army, 1,900 members of the Alabama National Guard under Federal command, and many FBI agents and Federal Marshals, were called in to protect them (ostensibly from their own state police). The Marchers arrived at the Alabama State Capitol on March 25 to demand their rights to be registered as voters. 
Statues depicting marchers

Outside centre in location of 'tent city'

Map of the route
Derek and I stopped at the Lowndes County Interpretive centre about halfway along the Historical Route and were fascinated by the story and the informative movie we saw there. As we continued west, it gave us much to chat about; how far civil rights have come and how far they still have to go.  At the Lowndes Centre we came to understand the importance of the March in the landscape of American history.... Very interesting and in many ways awe inspiring.

Another State on the list
Trying to get within driving distance of our final destination the next day we motored through Mississippi and into Louisiana. Along the way we noted how very poor this area is... Endless miles of seemingly sparely inhabited, sporadically farmed rural landscape.. It is humbling to see such poverty in this relatively wealthy country. I did enjoy the drive but still feeling  bad that Derek has to do all the driving. Loved the discount store called simply "DIRT CHEAP" in big red letters on the front of the store.
Just a great name for a town in Mississippi
Well after dark, we pulled in to a Pilot truck stop in Greenwood, just West of Shreveport. We gassed up and parked in the parking lot in the truck stop for the night.  Not having unhooked or used any facilities we were able to get up and get back on the road on Thursday 6th Feb, refreshed and excited about reaching our final destination in Texas, where we would settle down until the end of March.

The drive was straightforward and we chatted merrily about how we looked forward to being settled and have a hot shower. Our only regret has been that our original planned journey had to be cut short. We enjoyed seeing the topography of the states we traveled through, but regret not being able to fit in a longer stops in the places along the way or spend any time in New Orleans… maybe another time!!! We arrived at La Hacienda RV Resort in Austin mid-afternoon and were so happy to be there. Derek parked like a pro with little guidance in our spot (C58), which is actually a tough spot to park in because of its shape. My hero!!

Unfortunately the cold weather meant that the water was not available… and it was below freezing overnight…. What the …….???? TEXAS??? Sheesh!!! 
Home until the end of March (C58, La Hacienda)

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