Friday, November 15, 2013

Thursday Nov 14 and Friday Nov 15th - relaxing and exploring

Thursday Nov 14 and Friday Nov 15th - relaxing and exploring
On Thursday we decided to do some sorting and get to know the resort a bit better ...we also spent hours going through brochures and trying in vain to work out some sort of schedule for the next few weeks. We did decide that we want to spend a couple of days in Savannah and also in Charleston. We have short-listed a few restaurants.  Also want to cook up the local fish as much as we can. We went out for a quick trip to pick up a few supplies and then settled down to a chicken stir fry....  with as many veggies as we could stuff in there!! Back to our healthy eating regimen for a few weeks.
Benny Hudson Seafood store
Today (Friday) Janice got up and headed to the gym for an hour, feeling very smug when she got back to the rig for breakfast... I think Derek will join her next time!!! Headed out in the truck for the whole day exploring the Island. The first stop was a fresh seafood store in the harbour... Benny Hudson Seafood.... OH MY ..... WOW!!! Fresh Fresh seafood.  The owner John was chatty and informative about the shrimp... stuff we would never have guessed.  So we bought some swordfish and shrimp, and a bunch of various local spice mixes.... 
Oyster clumps ?
Shrimp boat by Benny's seafood
Then headed out to explore some more... A little disappointed to find that much of the Island is made up of gated communities... that sort of take up the prime beach accesses... not what we expected.. but, trying to stay positive, we searched some more and finally found a beach access, and wow what a beautiful beach it is. Also found an area called Shelter Cove with a great boardwalk and some neat little stores. We plan on exploring on our bikes next time and have a route planned so we can ride along the hard packed area of the beach for miles and miles. 
YES!!!! We found the beach!!!!!!

 After we got back to the rig we opened up a bottle of champagne we had been saving for our anniversary..but didn't open.. we relaxed outside ion the patio for an hour. Then Derek took over the BBQ and the kitchen and cooked up a fabulous meal of swordfish, cajun boiled shrimp, wild rice in savoury stock and a mix of Collard/Kale/Turnip greens. He excelled and may be in danger of being in charge again real soon!!! A great day indeed

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