Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday - Monday Nov 17/18... Catch up time

Sunday - Monday Nov 17/18... Catch up time
The weather has been a bit cloudy and cool so we have taken the opportunity to catch up on some admin work, sort clothes out that we brought with us. We decided to start going to the gym to get back in shape (other than round!!!) and we did a few loads of washing. We caught up with the 'kids' and tried to do some planning for the rest of our time here in South Carolina. We plan on going to Savannah again, as well as Charleston, Boone Hall Plantation and some golf. The resort is having a Thanksgiving pot-luck so we may decide to participate in that.
We do like this area, and Hilton Head is a good place to be able to reach both Savannah and Charleston. But Hilton Head Island itself would not be a place I could see enjoying as a vacation spot, unless you are totally involved in golf ... there is not much else to do here, other than eat at the many restaurants.  Renting a beach front condo may be a possibility, but don't come for the night life.

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