Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sat/Sun Nov 23/24th - Home Base - shopping - sea food.

Sat/Sun Nov 23/24th - Home Base - shopping - sea food.
A very late morning after staying up watching a movie until almost 2am.
This weekend the weather was supposed to be sunny and warm on Saturday and COLD on Sunday so we decided to stay around and enjoy the sunny day on Saturday with quick trip to Benny's for some fresh fish... we bought some local flounder and some more shrimp. Found a great grocery store (Harris Teeter's) and a shopping area called 'The Shops on Main'... after we got back we sat outside and read our books on the patio in the sun. Janice went to the gym while Derek did some prep for supper. He cooked up THE best meal.. Shrimp boil, followed by grilled flounder. MM MM MM!!!
To top off a great day the Leafs won!! On Sunday Janice got up early and headed back into the gym. Derek continued to flaunt his culinary skills and cooked up a light and delicious breakfast. (Egg white scramble, with turkey bacon and mushrooms) what a star. Most of the day has been taken up with getting some travel / RV research done and getting the blog updated. It is nice to have reliable internet for a change. The weather turned cold overnight and Sunday is cold but beautifully sunny.
Made a roast dinner and relaxed for the evening.

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