Sunday, November 10, 2013

Oct 1 - Nov 10th - Milton Heights Campground

Oct 1 - Nov 10th - Milton Heights Campground
Just a quick over-view of a lovely month in our old stomping grounds in Milton/Burlington. A few days after we arrived we had the sad, but not totally unexpected, news that Uncle Harry in UK passed away (at 95 yrs old). It was a 'no-brainer' that Derek would go over to help his cousins cope for a couple of weeks to sort out stuff and attend the funeral of an uncle that we both adored... he made life tough on all of the 'cousins', (especially young sis G) but most saw through his gruff exterior. He was a colourful, adorableYorkshire lad, with a gruff exterior and a heart of gold. It was a sad and happy time for Derek. In any event he spent valuable time with cuz's Gill and Jackie, what a team! Janice spent the two weeks catching up with friends, going to the movies and spending a beautiful thanksgiving with B and G. The rest of our time 'home' was spent visiting friends, getting ourselves sorted with dentists and doctors and spending some real quality time with Grant and Braden. We caught much of the lovely fall weather. It did get pretty cold toward the end of our stay and we had to take some precautionary measures to prevent the rig from freezing at night. Milton Heights is a great spot and close to all of the 'golden horseshoe. It is a mixture of travellers and 'full-timers" and although there is not much in the way of organized activities it is a clean, safe and relatively 'handy' place to park in the area.
We didn't have the opportunity to do some of the activities we had planned but generally enjoyed the stay. We had the time to plan the next few months of our adventure and looked forward to continuing our journey over the next few months... with a month in Niagara on the Lake over the Christmas holidays.

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