Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thur Sept 19th - Banff, Hiking, Hotel

Thur Sept 19th - Banff, Hiking, Hotel

Rapids, by Bow Falls
Almost at Bow Falls
It was a beautiful sunny day so we decided that some degree of hiking was on the cards. After breakfast we set out for Banff and found a trail that went along the bow river to Bows Falls and the Banff Springs hotel after that. It was a lovely walk and we managed to see the Banff Springs Hotel in sunlight rather than yesterday’s rainstorm. Part of the mezzanine has information and photos about the building and development and general life at the hotel from the beginning, which was fascinating…  how the rich and famous lived while the world, was at war!!!!  ($50,000 letter of credit required for a 3 month stay in the 1920’s)
Banff Springs Hotel
Derek-2, Janice and Lin
After our walk we went for a drive up the road to the base of Mount Norquay.. wow what a beautiful road.. switchbacks and amazing views of Banff and the mountains surrounding it. We then took a drive to Lake Minnewanka (a funny name if you are from Liverpool!!!).  We walked along the edge, took some photos of the views and cute chipmunks, and then did a quick run into town for some last minute souvenir browsing and then to the supermarket for supplies before heading back to camp for our last night in Banff.  A game of password (won once again by the two Derek’s) was hilarious as usual.

Bow River with raft in distance

Bow Falls

Us on the Terrace at Banff Springs Hotel

Derek-2 and Lin.. Terrace at Banff Springs hotel

Derek-2 and in at Lake Minnewanka

Another lake(?) by Minnewanka

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