Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sun Sept 8th - Viewpoint ans Tinhorn Creek

Viewpoint above Osoyoos
Sun Sept 8th - Viewpoint ans Tinhorn Creek
Our first day with our friends and it was a perfect day. We packed up a lovely lunch of cold cut sandwiches and goodies and went up to the viewpoint to give them an idea of the area and to see Osoyoos from above. We then drove via other wineries to Tinhorn Creek winery where we sat out on their patio in the sun with a bottle of wine and our picnic... perfect!!! It is a great winery for picnic and tasting the grapes off the vines as Derek and I had done the week earlier. It really is a treat to be able to do these amazing things with good friends. We have discussed, and I think decided to add a day to the Okanagan portion of our adventure as the weather os so good and there is so much to do around here. So we will stay until Thursday morning. 

Picnic Lunch at Tin Horn Creek Winery

Tasting the Grapes

Enjoying the view

AWWW   ... cute!!!

Our good friends Derek and Lin

Having a gimpy leg has it's advantages

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