Friday, August 30, 2013

Wed Aug 28th - Friday Aug 30th - Nk'Mip, Osoyoos and a mis-step!!

Wed  Aug 28th - Thurs Aug 29th - Nk'Mip (pronounced Inkameep)
We packed up as planned and took highway 97 into Osoyoos arriving mid-day at the Nk'Mip RV resort and settled in to site c-100. Very nice resort.. great for people of all ages. Nice beach area and the upper level where we are backs on to a vineyard and the sites are huge.. lots of room and beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. We basically set up and relaxed and went a long walk around the site and drove around the upper "resort/winery/golf course" area to check it out. 
The difficulty with not keeping up with the blog and not taking any photographs is that I forget what we did on certain days and Thursday is one of those days, so I should get to the only part that I remember...
We went for a stroll after a lovely steak dinner and as we were returning to the rig,  Janice somehow managed to go sideways on her ankle and after a few colourful words, relaized that she could not out any weight on the said ankle (without more colourful words), so Derek helped her back to the rig, trying to persuade her to go to the hospital, but we decided that she should just ice it and see how it is in the morning..... 
View from Hwy 97
Friday Aug 30th
Elephant Island Orchard Winery
NICE HOSPITAL in Penticton... Xrays revealed a chipped bone and, together with much swelling and bruising, it was decided that crutches were the order of the day. With our UK visitors arriving in a week, Janice is not happy to be hobbling on one foot..... so time for a treat. We left the hospital and headed out to visit Elephant Island Orchard Winery for a tasting (recommended by 'best people' at the wedding).... what a great place... all fruit wines... the Cherry wine is amazing and Janice fell in love with the apple based champagne with a hint of Black Currant ... Pink Elephant. We also dropped in a couple of other wineries and had some late lunch at the Red Rooster Winery Bistro... lovely. So despite the setback we continue to enjoy this absolutely fabulous area of Canada

Smiling again.. Lunch at Red Rooster Winery

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