Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sun Aug 11 - Sat Aug 24th Burnaby and Vancouver

Sunday August  11th – Saturday Aug  24th

After a late start to the day we all did our best to rally round.  Nephew Jordie came round to take Braden and Grant to Wreck Beach for the afternoon… and Derek and Janice chilled at the camp. After the guys got back in the evening we ordered our favourite pizza and wings and enjoyed sharing it with the three lads.  It was good to know that they had a good day. They deserved it.
Monday 12th we (reluctantly) had to take Braden and Grant to the airport. We had a breakfast with them at the White Spot, before seeing them off … It was so tough saying goodbye. What a treat to have them with us for the last few days.  The one drawback of this lifestyle is missing family and friends… thankful to have Braden and Grant here and also grateful for all the friends we have been able to catch up during our time here in Vancouver. 
Bye Guys.... sob sob!!!!
Tuesday 13th was spent getting the place back in order and cleaned up, and doing some shopping for the week ahead.

Norm and Sue came over from the island to visit on the Wednesday 14th and we had a great meal and lots of laughs before they headed back for the 7pm ferry. 
Friday 16th Sue and Praj came over for dinner and we had another great night comparing notes on favourite wines and places to visit in the Okanagan.

On Sunday 18th we got the Skytrain in to Yaletown to have lunch with friend Beverly and afterwards we walked with Bev and Coco along the seawall. 

Terry Fox Sculptures

Little Beached Baby Seal

Bev and Janice - Seawall Vancouver

Monday 19th was gloomy and rainy…so the laundry got done
Tuesday 20th we decided to take the trip up Grouse Mountain. We had an amazing day. We went up on the Gondola to the main area and then took the chair lift to the top to see even more fabulous views across Vancouver and the islands. We saw the grizzly bears and then went to Altitudes for a late lunch. Felt like another vacation sitting in the sunshine on the patio looking out over Vancouver and eating Mussels,  Watermelon and beet salad  with Ahi Tuna…. Fabulous. 

Wooden carving of Grizzly bear

On Chairlift

And me!!

At the top of Grouse Mountain

We drove to Stanley park on Wednesday 21st with the bikes on the back and rode the seawall route around the park, not a tiring as expected and certainly lots of fun…so…we did it again!. Then off to Bard on the Beach to watch Measure for Measure. A wonderful performance and a great day.

A Human totem.... No comments!!!

Janice and Derek... acting like fools

Thursday 22nd, friends from Derek’s work days  came over and we had a bit of a red wine session, great company and learning about Buddhism and picking their brains on the Okanagan. 
We spent Friday 23rd tidying up and preparing to get mobile again, more laundry and then had Mich and JP over for drinks and snacks. So off out of Vancouver tomorrow to see what the lower mainland and Okanagan is all about.

Saturday 24th - Leaving Vancouver

Packing up to Leave Burnaby-Cariboo RV Park
With mixed feelings we left Vancouver, but were looking forward to new adventures. We had already booked a site at Twin Lakes RV and golf resort and were pleasantly surprised at this small but lovely RV resort, surrounded by the golf course. We were told on check in that tomorrow that the roads will be a mess with a triathlon going through the area… so decided to make the best of it and play golf.!!! We immediately set up and went to book a tee time for tomorrow.  We settled in at camp and enjoyed our traditional glass of bubbly stuff before watching a whole bunch of deer walking through the area, we soon made friends with the folk in the next 2 sites (from Yorkshire and Newfoundland) … and we laughed the evening away with them.

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