Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mon-Thurs July 8-11- Deer Park Golf Club and RV Park.. Near Spokane Washington

Mon-Thurs July 8-11- Deer Park Golf Club and RV Park.. Near Spokane Washington

Idaho Again!!
Some great scenery along the way
We were originally booked into this RV park for 3 nights, but when we saw it, we added an extra night. What an amazing RV resort. The drive up on Monday was basically a 220 mile trek along Interstate 90 through the rest of Montana and then across the northern tip of Idaho, before entering Washington State (missed the sign on the road)... Again we were struck by the beauty across this huge country... miles and miles of mountains, valleys, farmland etc. 

Some more views from the car window

The RV resort was further North of Spokane than we expected, (some 50+km) but WORTH IT!!!! This place is a perfect spot for a week or two to escape the city and golf.... the resort is part of a golf club complex. The RV area is set out like a regular community, with HUGE lots, long driveways and lovely patios and street lamps. We were in site 110 and loved it.
SITE 110
On Tuesday we decided to go into town and do some shopping but were surprised to find that prices were not cheaper than Canada, so we didn't get anything, but the day was not wasted as we enjoyed window shopping and as an added bonus found somewhere to get Janice's broken hearing aid fixed... finally. Totally delighted! Also bought a pair of perfect shoes for the wedding. Very happy. We got back to the resort in time to fit in a short round of twilight golf. It is a fairly long course (over 7000 yds) so we only managed to get in 13 holes, also due to the fact that we were taken by surprise when they turned the sprinklers on to water the course!!!!
On Wednesday the RV resort organizes a group round of golf ($20 each plus a cart... so we were off golfing again. Got matched up with some great guys, and enjoyed a full 18 holes, followed by a LONG shower and BBQ'd dinner.... great day.
View from back of RV
On Thursday we had a 'catch-up' day and did several loads of washing, including mats etc and did some emails and basic administrative stuff, getting ready for our final push into BC in 2 days. Really looking forward to being in Canada for a while, especially looking forward to the big wedding and seeing all our kids together. 

Getting ready to leave ... Want to stay longer!!

Our 'Street' in Deer Park resort

Bye Bye Deer Park

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