Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jun 18-23rd Williams Arizon and THE GRAND CANYON and Lake Powell.

Tuesday Jun 18

Leaving Lake Mead sadly behind. Before we left we repeated our lovely breakfast and swim at the beach. Packed, hitched and headed to Williams, Arizona for 2 nights. Drive back along the highway was rather tedious, although it was more a case of having seen a great deal of desert!!! Closer in to Williams we were once again on new roads and our interest kicked in. Traveled along the longest remaining section of the old Route 66. Got set up and ready by 3.30 pm. Wandered into town and ended up at Pancho Mexican, run by and Irishman! Good musician entertaining the patrons on the patio until 7pm until the old west gunfight started on the road right next to us. Great night. Checked out some new hiking shoes for Janice on the way back to camp and checked out a few local stores. 

Wednesday June 19

Up a little later but another hot sunny day. At 103 F went back into town in the afternoon to buy the new hiking boots for Janice and walk up and down the main street. Quiet evening and started to sort out packing for tomorrow.

Thursday June 20
Photos of our time in the Grand Canyon are added at the end of our trip .... and are only a small portion of the many we took... some labelled.. most not!  ENJOY!!

Packed and broke camp by 10.30 and set off for the Grand Canyon, just an hour and a half away.

We were both a little excited about this portion of our trip as it something we have wanted to do for many many years and Derek had promised Janice he would make sure we go to see it one day together and hopefully in our own RV… and here we are… dreams coming true again. We got to the Grand Canyon National park and found our way to Grand Canyon Trailer village and set up camp. Derek put the bikes together and we were both anxious to cycle to the rim to see the Grand Canyon rim for the first time, so we found the bike-path to the visitors centre.  Locked the bikes and walked excitedly for the 8 minutes from the centre to the rim. Our first glimpse of the canyon was at Mather Point. In a word…breathtaking. The expanse, the colours, the depth… simply awesome. We have to admit that we both became a little overwhelmed with the emotion of the moment when we first caught sight of this phenomenal landmark. Yes we had expectations, but they were far exceeded. Even though we had seen the canyon two years ago from 36,000 ft on a flight to Palm Springs and Derek had seen it from a small plane 25 years ago, it still blew us away but totally. Also the thought that Eileen and Ken had been here in this very spot in the late eighties.

We saw a film of the Canyon in the visitors centre then returned to Condo to celebrate our special day with a glass of champagne while we planned our next days. Had an early night as we planned to go on the morning hike to Cedar Ridge at 7am.

Friday June 21

Up at 5.30. yup we did it. Set off on our bikes for the half hour ride to the trail head and arrived at 6.45. Met with a small group and, led by a Park Ranger, began the morning hike. Started off down the switchback section descending very quickly down what is known as the chimney, then it became a little less steep and on to the first marker at Ooh Ahh Point. (named for a reason) Carrying on down, we then went out along a small ridge before turning past another point and finally out on to Cedar Ridge. The descent was 1100 ft and took us just over an hour. Big photo time down in the canyon before beginning the climb back, that took us almost two hours! Back on the bikes for the trek to the condo. All in all, quite the physical feat, 5 km hike and 10k biking, 2 quarts of water each and 2,200 feet of up and downs. Janice was proud to overcome her fear of hiking on a narrow rocky path with a sheer drop at the side (both sides at one point) By 11.00 temperature was up to 103 and the last part of the hike was mainly in the sun. That’s why they start at 7.00 am!!! Saw a couple of mule trains on the way back. Most of the supplies to Phantom ranch on the bottom of the canyon are taken down by mules.

Well we spent early afternoon recovering then took the bike trail the other direction into Canyon Village. En route we passed right by a herd of elk, we counted 18, again the camera got a work out. Found a hotspot just outside the library and sent the "sorry we don’t have phone or email contact" info to friends.
Janice proudly found this fossilized sea sponge in the rock!! Ranger Impressed!!

Our intrepid guide.. 6 ft... no fear!!! See the trail??!!

Loving this place

Breathtaking views... but scary drops from pathway

Water Break!

Cedar Ridge ... such a great hike down... about 8:00am


Made it a third of the way back

Can see our trail (part of it)

Utah Agave.. dies after it finally blooms (years)

Mule train down into the Canyon

Janice's very own cowboy!!!

On a bike!!!

Howdy cowboy!

Saturday June 22

A more leisurely morning but we were off to the east rim by 9.00 am. This was a 25 mile drive stopping at 5 or 6 lookouts along the way.  Also spotted a coyote/small wolf ? on the road. Lipan Point was absolutely spectacular. We had seen a lot of canyon by this time but the sheer expanse brought back all the emotion. The end of the drive was at Dessert View Point where the cameras came out again. Climbed up the watchtower and bought the obligatory T shirt for Derek. Back to the Condo for a late lunch then off on the bikes right into the Village to the shuttle bus transfer and bussed out to the western edge of the park to Hermits Point. We hiked back for 2km.  then picked up the bus for a few km then hiked at the very edge of the rim from Mohave Point to Powell Point, (another 2 km) We stopped and watched the sunset for a while, . then bused back into the village and got on the bikes for the ride home. Well wouldn’t ya know it the elk were there again this time on both sides of the road and walking right down the bikeway! Janice was in Elk heaven!!! 

Sunday June 23rd

One last drive up to the visitors centre to buy a small souvenir and walk to the rim at Mather Point for a last goodbye to the Grand Canyon. We saw the morning sun shining westward down the canyon. Still as awestruck as the first time we saw it. We got on the road just after 10 for the 4.5 hour drive to Page. It was only supposed to be a 3 hour drive but highway 89 has been closed as a result of a rock slide. The route took us through the heart of Navaho Indian lands. Some of the “villages” were nothing more than 15 or 20 old battered RV and trailer units often with corrugated iron lean-to’s. We drove past an area signposted for miles as a special  event area. Turns out we by-passed seeing Nik Walenda walking across the canyon on a tightrope…who knew…..!!!!  especially as we had no phone or internet!

The landscape started to change as we got into Page… more greenery and trees.. but still very hot at 106 degrees. Entered the Powell Lake National Park (bought an annual pass for all parks). Checked in at Powell Lake Marina and RV resort and headed over to the hotel area for a swim in the pool, and a lovely light meal in the lounge, followed by an evening cruise into Antelope Canyon. Met a couple from Kentucky on the boat and ended up chatting along, so when we got back to the lodge we all decided to sit and watch the full moon rise. We have never seen the moon rising on the horizon like this, a beautiful orange glow that rose up just like a sunrise at daybreak. Hope the pictures do it justice. It was a late night but lots of fun and good company.
Bye Bye Grand Canyon!!

Last look at the Mule Deer!

Packed and ready to Roll.. Lake Powell here we come!

One careful owner at the next pump.. Navajo country!

Interesting rock formations on the way

Navajo country

First sight of Lake Powell (Glen Canyon)

AHH!!! Lovely pool area in Hotel attached to Rv Resort

Off we go to Antelope Canyon
 Views od Antelope Canyon:






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