Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wed Mar 6th - Catalina Highway

Wednesday Mar 6th - Catalina Highway

Looks Like a baseball mitt

 Started off the day at the meet and greet or so we thought but it was a morning choral concert with some old time songs sung by the resident choir, and coffee and donuts! We had heard that there is a mountain road up Mount Lemmon ...the mountains we can see out of the back window of the off we went, camera at hand and warm clothes, even though it was 27 degrees out.

Near the beginning of the climb
It's a 26 mile road that's called the Catalina highway. Let us say it is a HIGHway not a freeway. It winds and twists its way from about 2600 ft above sea level here at the valley floor, to nearly 10,000 ft at the summit. The topography change in just a couple of hours is truly a geography lesson.

Cactus cactus everywhere... soon to change!!
From the Sonora desert floor, up past cacti fields at the 3000 ft level, into a deciduous tree level, with oaks and aspen at 4000 ft, then by 6000 feet some specs of snow and evergreens, pines and conifers. At 8000 ft snow is banked in the forests at the edge of the road and at 9000 ft the ski resort was closed, but the trails still partially snow covered under the ski lift. Temperature at the bottom was 27 C and the top 9 C.

The Cacti really do fascinate.
Tourist? Me? Nooooo!!!
But the most amazing features were the spectacular views with new vistas every half mile or so. From rocky terrain with dried up creeks at the bottom, yielding to deep canyons, steep V shaped river valleys and cresting along a ridge with 50 mile views on either side. We can only hope the cameras can capture some of the beauty. We are beginning to exhaust our superlatives and we haven't even got to the Grand Canyon yet. 
It was a truly spectacular day. 

Little lizard enjoying the warmth of the desert sun.

Rocky terrain, deep fissures!

Feeling privileged and happy!
Old Faithful - Modern version!!

Getting higher, some changes in the terrain.
And Higher!!
AND HIGHER!!.. Some vegetation in the cooler air.
On top of the world!!

Looking out over Tucson!
Step back a bit Derek..!!!
The photo's never portray the total view.

The winding road up... saw over 100 cyclists on the road.

VERY VERY HAPPY!! Missing the snow...... a little!!


Coniferous trees higher up the mountain.

Ski Resort at the very top.

Looks like a nice ski area.

View from opposite the ski hill

To put in perspective the size of the cacti!!!!

Hi Y'all... Thanks for coming! Tuscon in background

Cacti field on the way down the mountain!

 A great day.

Getting closer to the desert at the bottom.



  1. Hey Cuz x 2 - fabulous photos - fabulous trip - love the native bread - how many calories? luv g xx

    1. Hmm ... didn't see your comment til now... thx... and the Indian Bread.... consider a large piece of food that contains only starch, fat and sugar!!! And Tastes fantastic.... yup that many calories!!!

  2. That place looks amazing, I wanna go!! Love massive cacti, that kind of stuff fascinates me!

    1. Sorry Sandra... just saw your comment on the post... thx so much. This place IS amazing... and the Cacti never cease to fascinate me too. Going to the Desert Museum and botanical centre in the next few days to learn more about them. And you are welcome to join us any time!!!
