Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sat Mar 23 - 48k on the bikes

Having fun on the ride
Feeling great
Lovely views along the way

Up and out by 9am to head out with Bob, Fay, Tom and Doug for a bike ride from the RV resort to the Saguaro National Park for a one way loop around the park, then down the Spanish trail a few miles further to a farmers market, where we had some coffee a walk around and then our first taste of Tamales (beef and green chile) ... We have never had them before and were impressed. Derek and I headed back to camp while they took a detour for some groceries. We then went to costco and bought some supplies, wine and some lovely lamb to BBQ tonight. (it was fabulous). We treated ourselves to a bottle of Californian champagne with Kirsch while we BBQ'd. After dinner we went over to our neighbours Jim and Kathleen for a drink and a visit. An active and fun day.

Very Hilly ride

Happy to be on a flat bit of road (there wasn't much!!!)
Celebrating with the traditional cactus hug

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