Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday Feb 13th - Belize

Wednesday Feb 13th 2013 - Belize (previously British Honduras)
Leaving ship on power boat to go snorkeling
Belize is not able to handle cruise ships, so they all anchor about 15-20 minutes from land.  A flotilla of local boats of all shapes and sizes came to ‘tender’ passengers ashore. We booked a snorkel trip in a high speed power boat, so we were picked up directly from the ship and sped off to a reef by a beautiful island (think Robinson Crusoe, or Treasure island). The seas were quite rough so it was hard going snorkeling. Derek was tired and finished a little early, he went to the island and sat  sipping rum punch. The group leader told him that he was tired due to the effects of the diving yesterday. Using the compressed air apparently messes with your body’s nitrogen levels.  Janice snorkeled for as long as possible. Saw lots of big colourful fish, coral, eel, and starfish.

Post snorkeling rum punch on the island
Such a beautiful place
It's like the desert island we only dream of.
After lounging on the island for an hour we were taken back to the ship. We had lunch then jumped on a tender and went ashore to Belize and pottered around the shops, bought some aloe for Janice’s sunburn and another cowboy hat.  Had a couple of beers (2 for $5) at a bar near the dock and chatted with a couple of people. Tender back to the ship at 3:30 and relaxed, had dinner, show and a quick dance before heading to bed ready for another exciting day tomorrow. 

Happy to be here

We really should ask people to take our pictures together LOL

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