Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday 28th Jan.. Erlewine Guitars and State Capitol

Monday 28 Jan 2013
The answer is NO Derek!!
I mean it!!!
Went into Austin and made a point of dropping in at Erlewine Guitars. On the way in a quote from Janice “before you ask… the answer is NO!!” Derek said he didn’t have his wallet in him, Janice said she did, but the “the answer is still NO!!”.  Met Mark Erlwine who makes all the guitars and chatted about our friend Nick’s Lazer and all the old blues guys. He told us about how he met Johnny Winter, who is now his best advertisement for Lazer guitars, and how he designed the Chiquita Travel guitar with “ZZ Top”.  After a while, and much looking around, we realized how neat the Chiquita travel guitar is; it is very compact, unique and qualifies as hand luggage on planes, so just had to have one…at least that’s what Janice said so we got one as Derek’s new toy. Such is the translation of “NO”!!!!
Well Maybe!!

They are cute!!

Second one from the right .... SOLD!!! Chiquita Travel guitar!!! 

LOGO on building
We are here and the tours are free!!!  Yey!!
With much depleted funds and big grins, we headed over to the Capitol building and got a personal guided tour. As luck would have it the Senate was in session so we got to see part of the discussion regarding how Texas schools are positioned regarding student safety. Very interesting to find that the schools are supposed to complete an audit of their capabilities BUT there is insufficient regulation to make them comply! And the “audit” is a self description with little consistency of standards. 

Texas State Capitol

Senate in Session
Sen. David Crockett 
Texas Lone Star on EVERYTHING!!

Star in centre of ceiling dome is 8 feet wide!!!

House of Representatives

Original Chandelier  in House of Reps
(Light bulbs spell 'Texas')

Door Hinges solid brass, each weigh 8lbs!!!

Underground expansion (with glass roof at ground level)

Through the glass roof.. top of dome

Tile work on floor below dome!!


  1. Congrats on the new toy Derek! You both look great! Keep posting...Megan

  2. OMG....Janice you are spoiling that man! Have fun with the new toy. Better practice so you can jam with the boys when your here in May! Look forward to reading your's fantastic!
    Luv Tina
