Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jan 14-18 Hist Museum/FLOOD/Concert

Monday Jan 14 - Friday Jan 18th

Austin Metro Rail in rush-hour
Tile mosaic in lobby of Museum

I hate when I get to Friday and can't remember what happened on Monday, but I can't!!! Although we did spend some time in the gym.  On Tuesday we decided to head into Austin to explore the Museum. 
 We had  a little adventure by taking the Metro Rail into the city. It is a very cheap way of travelling into the city (about 50km). We paid $5.50 for a day pass (seniors rate is only $2.75 for 24 hours of traveling all the public transit our hearts desired). We  went to the Texas State History Museum and were completely immersed in the Historical development of modern day Texas from the early Indians through to today. We had no previous knowledge of how Texas gained its independence from Mexico, only to join in the United States union a few years later. The exhibits were well presented, although we did giggle a bit during the Theatre presentation that included rumbling seats, lightening and even hair raising feeling of a locust on my neck... it did go a little over the top with the Lone Star State patriotism. But in so many ways the patriotism of so many of the American's we have met is to be admired and envied.  Lunch in the Museum Cafe was incredible... they sure know how to eat well in this country.  Shredded brisket of beef stuffed into a baked potato. :-)))
View from Museum Cafe - The Lone Star
Tuesday evening we went to a presentation on Africa in the RV resort pavilion. A couple had recently returned from a type of Safari and showed photos and shared they're experiences. We were also introduced very happily to an amazing beverage- The Beerita - whoooohooo!!! One part beer, one part concentrated lime-ade,  one part seven-up and Tequilla... (to taste).... oh wow!!!
Evan and Kyle finally got the furniture we shipped from Ontario in early November!!!!

Wednesday was a bit of a lazy day, gym, reading, internet research etc. It was a cold night and we decided to get the electric blanket out to combat the chill. The RV resort was hosting a 'Wecome back Winter Texans' pot luck in the pavilion, so we headed over with some homemade hummus and crackers. Had a great night meeting more new people and networking.  Fun night. 

Thursday was a day we won't soon forget for one bad reason and one good reason. We headed out to Costco in the morning and were no sooner digging i to the free samples (as you do) when our phone started ringing, first it was the resort telling us that they have turned our water off at the mains as they noticed some water coming out of our unit. Then it was our neighbour calling to say water was pouring out!! Left the samples and hightailed it back to discover that the inside was dry (yeah!!!) but the whole underneath insulation was bowed under the weight of a large amount of water. After much head scratching by us and several helpful neighbours, we started to take things apart, first underneath. No leak we could find... more head scratching and catastrophe thinking. We finally discovered that water inlet a pipe feeding the hot water tank had popped out and had been spewing water into the underbelly of the unit. We left all the insulation layers open underneath the RV to dry out. 
Now the good part of the day::

After a quick dinner we tripped on down into Austin in the truck to go to Austin City Limits to see Keane (a British band)... wow what a night. Opening band (Youngblood Hawke) were fabulous and Keane was a great surprise. Lead singer is very impressive and obviously very popular in Austin... packed house and a real party atmosphere.  Photos taken with Iphone. 

Hanging out with friend Johnny
Is he after booze or boobs
 Photo of Keane through iphone through binoculars

Austin City Limits venue - Moody  Theatre
Austin at Night 

Friday gave us the gift of beautiful weather after a night of freezing temperatures. Derek got up early to head out to Star Ranch near Round Rock, Texas with a bunch of guys from the resort to play golf. Hot Breakfast buffet, 18 holes, a cart, and a buffet lunch, all for $48 taxes incl. He had an amazing day and was VERY pleased to be under 100.  Just being out on the course and enjoying the warm weather and the company of some great guys. Janice spent the day basking in the sun, riding her bike around the resort and reading her book. Relaxing and counting our blessings today.  Spent the evening blogging and watching a bit of telly. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Janice - and the Alamo ? can't wait to see the photo's ...... Gxx
