Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12-12-12 Happy B'day Evan- Settling into Austin

Dec 12th 2012
First thoughts today are for our sweet Evan who celebrates hi birthday today.  We spent the day trying to get Internet that works. (the campground internet was not reliable ... to be complimentary!!!)
Tripped in to Austin to get a modem/router from Time Warner.... it works great.
We were surprised to see that all along the roads ...  people have decorated trees in the middle of no where.... we have no idea who does it or why... but it was particularly lovely to see. The brilliant sunshine made the decorations glisten... very festive.  Went to local Mexican restaurant for lunch... customer appreciation day.... WOW!! $7.99  for two huge Mexican meals.  The nachos and salsa they brought to begin were delicious...  (almost as good as that Mexican place in Peterborough Braden!!!)  couple of photos to follow tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Looking wonderful so far..... I had no idea that Texas was ever cold!! Can I ask a favour can you post a pic of the whole motor home, I have to show Barb. As you know we have nothing like it in the UK - couldn't cope with our roundabouts. :-)

    Keep blogging and having more happy times. Oh and more pics of food please. thanks. Cuz Sandra. x
