Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday Sept 2nd - Driving and wineries.

Monday Sept 2nd - Wineries and driving around.
Viewpoint on Hwy 3 above Osoyoos
And again
Osoyoos from viewpoint
Today we went on a drive up above Osoyoos to the two viewpoints, then we did some winery tours.Janice's Favourite winery (as far as the wine goes) is Young and Wyse... their Cab Sauv is stellar..... Derek's favourite wine is from Desert Hills Winery.  But to be very hoenst we are both blown away by the quality and uniqueness of the wines produced throughout the Okanagan... there are so many and each have their own style and blends.  We also visited Gehringer Bros Winery and hoped to see Walter Gehringer who Janice worked with in her earlier life working for a winery in Ontario many years ago... he wasn't there, but maybe we can drop by again to see him. Our stop at Tinhorn Creek Winery was great .. they have a small area of vines with different varieties growing and at this time of year visitors can taste the grapes. A bonus of visiting this time of year.

Campsite is white row in foreground

Upper viewpoint

Tasting at Tinhorn Creek Winery

And again